Hcho-free green cotton.
Shenzhou formaldehyde-free environmental protection glass cotton formaldehyde-free glass cotton can be applied to all the application of traditional glass cotton category. Because do not contain formaldehyde, no peculiar smell, it is applied to the category of higher request to the environment right.
The shenzhou formaldehyde-free green glass wool board
Formaldehyde-free green glass plate with rigid and semi-rigid. It will choose acrylic thermosetting resin inorganic glass fiber stick together. For a variety of special building wall, especially suitable for can't use the occasion of flexible insulation.
Product application:
New and innovative building, wall, ceiling decoration, special outbuilding building wall plate,
Room space. Ships and trains, wall insulation, room interval, interior ceiling and so on.
Hvac system - used as a duct insulation.
Ordinary building - is the ambition of brick and tile structure and concrete construction building insulation materials, used for various commercial or
Public building, such as shopping centers, Banks, shopping malls, etc.
Theatre - black coating glass wool board can absorb sound and light, echo elimination stage.
All kinds of pump room, computer room, heat insulation and sound absorption noise reduction.
Commodity strength:
Device that does not contain formaldehyde - in the glass cotton after use will not release formaldehyde, so as not to formation damage to human body health, not to
Environmental pollution.
Do not contain harmful substances such as ammonia, benzene, tasteless, non-toxic, safeguard human health, completely improve the working environment.
Device - a brief operation and low cost of lightweight data to make the device is very fast, and cheap.
Heat insulation effect is good, useful, and heat resistance.
Sound-absorbing effect is good, can cut sound transmission.
No corrosive - will not form the corrosion of pipeline, metal pieces.
Durability - will not rot, mildew, durable.
The wave resistance, blocking water vapor convey useful.
Is not easy to deformation, and the deformation of flexible materials, goods in operation process can be very good when stick to shape the same.
Refractory, non-combustible.

The last:Green is rubber and plastic
Next up:The advantage of rubber insulation pipe